1. Title of the Practice:
Engineering solutions for societal problems by disseminating awareness, understanding and application of Intellectual Proper Rights(IPR) among the students.

2. Objectives of the Practice:

  • To create the culture of creative thinking and Innovation in the institute.
  • To beneficiate society by providing Engineering solutions to various existing problems with the help of right process, tool and techniques.
  • To file Design/ Prototype patents from various Projects
  • To make students and faculty members aware of IPR
  • To increase the Innovation Index of Institute that leads to enhance the Global Innovation Index of Country.

3. The Context:

Intellectual property pertains the originality of the human intellect such as literacy, technical or scientific creations. IPR refers to the legal rights given to the inventor or creator to protect his invention or creation for a certain period of time. There are several intellectual property protections like patent, copyright, trademark etc. IPR is prerequisite for better identification, planning, commercialization, rendering of the products. It provides a mechanism of handling infringement, piracy, and unauthorized use of the invention. As per the vision of Shivalik College of Engineering “To be a premier technical institution that provides experiential learning and multi-disciplinary research to develop socially responsible and competent professionals” we at Shivalik College are committed to provide experiential learning and multi disciplinary research to our students in order to make them socially responsible. In order to fulfill this SCE vision, the institute has a vibrant IPR Cell which work in close coordination with IIC and KPILA (An AICTE Scheme) to make students and faculty aware of Research and IPR.

Shivalik IPR Cell mentors and helps students and faculty members in drafting the patent application and also providing financial support to them. The students are encouraged to produce Ideas/Designs/Projects which could solve societal problems by engineering solutions.

Engineering Solutions such as Solar Sewage Cleaning Machine, Portable Handicapped Crutch for visually challenged people, Solar powered Grass Cutting Device for gardeners, Remote Controlled Shutter System for small shopkeepers, Electric Bicycle Prototype for commute, Paddled powered washing machine for household and many more have been made/designed and patented by the stake holders of SCE.

4. The Practice 

5. Evidence of success:

From the inception of this best practice students and faculty members of Shivalik College of Engineering have solved more than 100 societal problems and published 42 patents out of them. The summary of the Patents File and Published is as follows:

Glimpses of Student Innovations which turns into Patents
Multiple Crop Cutting Machine Solar Powered Sewage Cleaning Machine
Remot Controlled Shutter LPG Based Refrigeration System
Research Lab-1 Research Lab-2
IPR/Patents Summary Report
Year Patents Filed Patents Published Patents Granted
2022 36 36 0
2021 6 6 3
2020 6 0 0
2019 0 0 0
2018 0 0 0
2017 0 0 0

6. Problem encountered and resources required

  • Sensitizing students and faculty about new knowledge and need of IPR.
  • Encouraging the students and faculty for innovation and research is challenging.
  • Finding a good legal expert in IPR with a minimum fee is challenging.
  • Updating the current university curriculum with few new courses on Innovation and IPR for an affiliated college is a challenge.


1. Title of the practice: Introduces Value Added Courses (VACs) to bridge Industry Academia Gaps.

2. Objectives of the Practice

  • To provide students with an understanding of the expectations of the industry.
  • To improve the employability skills of engineering students
  • To bridge the skill gaps and make students industry ready.
  • To provide an opportunity for students to develop interdisciplinary skills.

3. The Context of the Practice: The Value Added Courses aim to provide additional learner-centric graded skill-oriented technical training, with the primary objective of improving the employability skills of engineering students.The courses focus on skill developments in which 50% of the time is spent on practical training. The students are trained to understand the academic topics from engineering disciplines, so that they can solve the real world engineering problems.

4. The practice:

  • Department Academic Committee (DAC) including all stakeholders identifies and proposes Value Added Courses for students for the academic session after taking inputs from all stakeholders.
  • The proposed course is led by VAC Coordinator of the Department.
  • The proposed course is handled by internal faculty (VAC Instructors) and invited guest
  • lecturers from Industry (with whom MoU is done).
  • The course duration is 30 hrs or more depending upon the syllabus of the particular course.
  • Brochure of all VACs is shared with students through ERP and is also made available at college website prior to the commencement of the course.
  • During and after the completion of VAC there are assessments made by the course faculty/trainer on the basis of which students are awarded course completion certification.
  • Along with assessment made by course faculty/trainer mandatory attendance more than 85% is required in each course for the award of course completion certification.

5. Evidence of Success

  • 111 Value Added Courses are offered in last 5 years.
  • Value Added Courses brochures are shared with all students through thier student login and as well as available on institute website.
  • Number of students enrolled in different Value Added Courses in last 5 years as follws
  • Total 610 students benefitted to placements in last 5 years.

6. Problem encountered and resources required

  • Collaborating with good training institute/ agency for student training with minimum fee is challenging.
  • Accommodating classes for students with ongoing semester academics is challenging.
  • Motivating students to enroll for value added courses.
  • Getting qualified resource person or trainer and coordinating with the external resource person poses a challenge.
Academic Year No of Students Enrolled
2021-22 599
2020-21 626
2019-20 715
2018-17 773
2017-18 822
Total 3535