B.Sc ( Hons ) Agriculture

Duration 4 years

Eligibility Criteria A person who has secured at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidate belonging to scheduled cast / tribes) of the aggregate marks in four compulsory subject i.e. Chemistry, Physics, Biology/Math and English taken together of 10+2 pattern or equivalent examination from recognized Board/University shall eligible to join the first semester of the course or intermediate/10+2 with agriculture subjects.

B.Sc Agriculture College in Dehradun

  •  Shivalik College is the best B.Sc Agriculture College in Dehradun intends to equip the students with the knowledge and expertise of Agricultural Science, Crop Science, and Animal Production.
  • Along with theoretical training, the program also incorporates a wide range of field trips, industry exposure, and on-the-floor training tasks.
  • The blend of a theoretical & practical based curriculum and cutting-edge agricultural practices ensures that the teaching pedagogy becomes more interactive and effective. Therefore, students can choose from a wide range of career opportunities.
  • This program conveys resident instructions in various disciplines for developing human resources in agriculture.
  • Shivalik College is the best B.Sc Agriculture College in Dehradun lays the foundation that assists students to research agriculture and associated fields.
  • To make sure students get enough practical exposure, the curriculum involves various agricultural experiments. These experiments help students understand the implementation of theoretical learning in practical applications.
  • The program is uniquely designed to help students build expertise by the deliberate on-field implementation as well as testing of fundamental concepts of agriculture.
  • The program lets students learn about the newest advancements in the fields like fertilizers agriculture, disease resistance, and insecticides with fieldwork and field trips.

Why take this Course?

  • Currently, the demand for B.Sc ( Hons ) agriculture graduates is high in the industry.
  • In the private sector, B.Sc ( Hons ) agriculture graduates can find jobs in roles in food processing units, products marketing firms, agriculture machinery industries, fertilizer manufacturing firms, etc.
  • They can work in job roles like marketing representative, agriculture field manager, sales manager, territory manager, HR in corporate sectors (like fertilizer firms, pesticides companies, seed industries, etc.), and more.
  • Graduates from Shivalik College, B.Sc Agriculture College in Dehradun can get jobs in the state agriculture department like RHEO, RAEO, FEO, Agriculture Supervisor, Assistant Agriculture Officer, etc.
  • They can work as a Technical Assistant and Project Assistant in Agricultural Research Station, Agriculture Field Officer in Nationalized Bank, Quality Control Officer in State/Central Warehouse Corporation, Junior and Senior trainee in National Seed Corporation, and Assistant Manager IFFCO.
  • They can attain an M.Sc degree and unlock higher-paying job opportunities.

Why choose Us?

  • Shivalik College is the best B.Sc Agriculture College in Dehradun, the B.Sc program at Shivalik College envisions promoting science-based agriculture and allied processes to assist the students to successfully compete in the national and international markets. It, therefore, focuses on both theoretical and practical training.
  • B.Sc Agriculture College in Dehradun Shivalik College Students are taught in all fundamental subjects of agriculture that include soil preparation, sowing, manuring, irrigation, weeding, harvesting, and storage.
  • It encourages the students on entrepreneurship and rural development.
  • It boosts the technical skills of students as well as faculty.
  • Facilitate students to field exposure, experimental learning, hands-on training, RAWE program, and internship etc., under the Guidance of National/International educational advisors, Agri tech gurus, Visiting faculty from industry, and experienced faculty.
  • Regularly encourage the students by imparting training and developing the communication skill to make them employable.
  • Students services like placement training support, counseling, personality grooming, etc. are provided to make sure students can survive in the competitive market.

Progressions & Career


Here are the opportunities after pursuing BSc. Agriculture from B.Sc Agriculture College in Dehradun Shivalik College:

  • MSc in Agriculture
  • Master’s in Environmental Agrobiology
  • Master’s in Agricultural Engineering
  • Master’s in Agroecology
  • Master’s in Agronomy
  • MBA in Agriculture
  • MBA in Agribusiness
  • Master of Food Science and Agribusiness
  • MSc in Plant Pathology
  • Master’s in Sustainable Agriculture
  • MSc in Agricultural Economics
  • MSc Agri in Genetics
  • Master in Plant Science


Below are the leading career roles candidates can choose after completing BSc. Agriculture from B.Sc Agriculture College in Dehradun Shivalik College:

  • Agriculture Research Scientist
  • Extension Officer
  • Agriculture Officer
  • Plantation Manager
  • Officer in Quality Assurance in Related Fields
  • Production Manager
  • Business Development Manager
  • Agri-Preneurship
  • Subject Matter Specialist in different Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs)
  • Field Officer
  • Farm Manager
  • Research Officer
  • Agriculture Loan Officer in Banks
  • Operations Manager in Fertilizer Units
  • Food Processing Units in Government
  • Seed Technologies Firm

The Shivalik Advantage

  • Well-equipped Labs including Agronomy lab, Entomology lab, Pathology lab, Soil Science lab, Genetics & Plant Breeding lab, Horticulture lab, Agrometeorology lab, and Agrometeorology lab
  • Incorporation of internships/projects as a mandatory component in the curriculum
  • Experimental learning activities and field visits
  • Shivalik College is the best B.Sc Agriculture College in Dehradun continuous encouragement of faculty for pursuing Ph.D., research, and advancement of qualification for interested students.
  • Conducts diverse activity clubs for Innovation & all-round development required in any job in the Agriculture sector
  • The placement cell provides accurate information about job opportunities in the field of interest.
  • Provides exposure to the latest tools and technologies utilized in the area of Agriculture.
  • Encourages the students on entrepreneurship and rural development.
  • Nurtures creativity and innovation among the students by offering an outstanding academic environment, management skills, and ethical guidance required for lifelong learning as well as a productive career.
  • Makes learning fun with tech fests and competitions

Top Recruiters


To pursue agriculture courses after 12th, candidates must clear class 12th in Science stream with minimum 45%-50% aggregate marks. The admission would be solely merit based on the marks gained in the 12th examination. For online certification courses, candidates could apply on the website of the particular course providers and then pay the course fees. On the other hand, admission for certification courses in college is accomplished in an organized manner; no entrance test would be conducted

B.Sc ( Hons ) Agriculture is basically a 4-year UG professional course that is administered by ICAR. B.Sc. graduates can land a decent paying job with a salary ranging from INR 2 LPA to INR 8 LPA. The students of this course would study a broad range of subjects including soil sciences, agronomy, horticulture (fruit science & vegetable), plant entomology, breeding and genetics, animal sciences, plant pathology, plant biochemistry, extension education, basics of biotechnology, agriculture economics, etc.

M.Sc (2-year Master degree course) in different Agriculture programs can be taken up by candidates who possess a BSc degree in horticulture/ agriculture/ forestry from a recognized university with the required qualifying marks. Obtaining a master’s degree from an Indian university or abroad will open up more job avenues in the agriculture domain.

Majorities of colleges and universities provide admission to candidates in B.Sc ( Hons ) Agriculture courses based on entrance exams. But, some universities may also provide admission to candidates depending on their 12th class scores. So, the admission is either based on merit score or score off entrance exam. Apart from accreditation of the institute, candidates should check their admission process, eligibility criteria, fees, choice of disciplines before pursuing the B.Sc. course in Agriculture.


BSCAG101 Elementary Statistics
BSCAG102 Agriculture Meteorology
BSCAG103 Computer Application
BSCAG104 Structure and spoken English
BSCAG106 Principles of Agronomy
BSCAG107 Rural Sociology & Educational Psychology

BSCAG201 Fundamental of Soil Science
BSCAG202 Fundamental of Horticulture
BSCAG203 Elementary Plant Biochemistry
BSCAG204 Weed Management
BSCAG205 Element of Genetics
BSCAG206 Introductory Entomology
BSCAG207 Introductory Plant Pathology
BSCAG208 Microbiology

BSCAG301 Vegetable Production
BSCAG302 Irrigation Water Management
BSCAG303 Principles of Plant Breeding & Breeding of Field Crops
BSCAG304 Soil Fertility and Nutrient Management
BSCAG305 Agri. Marketing and International Trade
BSCAG306 Field Crops I (Kharif)
BSCAG307 Crop Diseases and their Management

BSCAG401 Economic Entomology
BSCAG402 Introduction to Plant Biotechnology
BSCAG403 Field Crops II (Rabi)
BSCAG404 Agriculture Co-operation, Finance and Business Management
BSCAG405 Insect Pest and their Management
BSCAG406 Fruit and Plantation Crop
BSCAG407 Livestock Production
BSCAG408 Rainfed Agriculture

BSCAG501 Poultry Management
BSCAG502 Mushroom Cultivation
BSCAG503 Elementary Crop Physiology
BSCAG504 Farm Machinery and Power
BSCAG505 Farm Management and Natural Resource Economics
BSCAG506 Fundamentals of Extension Education and Rural Development
BSCAG507 Post Harvest Management & Processing of Fruits and Vegetables
BSCAG508 Practical Crops Production - I

BSCAG601 Farming System &Sustainable Agriculture
BSCAG602 Conservation and Management of soil and water resources
BSCAG603 Ornamental Horticulture
BSCAG604 Environmental Science
BSCAG605 Silviculture and Agro Forestry
BSCAG606 Seed Production and Processing Technology
BSCAG607 Practical Crop Production - IInd

BSCAG701 General Economics
BSCAG702 Breeding and Improvement of Farm Animals
BSCAG703 Principles of Animal Nutrition
BSCAG704 Element of Food Technology
BSCAG705 Human Food and Nutrition
BSCAG706 Soil Taxonomy, Survey and remote sensing
BSCAG707 Production Technology of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

BSCAG801 Rural Agriculture Work Experience

Program Specific Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives

  • PEO

    Imparting subject-related knowledge along with developing a connection between practical solutions and theory.

  • PEO

    Encourage personal growth among students and boost their self-confidence, which will give them opportunities to be an integral part of the agro-industry.

  • PEO

    Making the agriculture-related subjects interesting scientific and experimental evidence.

  • PEO

    Develop problem-solving skills through practical applications and research.

  • PO

    Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and anengineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems

  • PO

    Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, andengineering sciences

  • PO

    Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

  • PO

    Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information toprovide valid conclusions

  • PO

    Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding ofthe limitations

  • PO

    The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professionalengineering practice

  • PO

    Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions insocietal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development

  • PO

    Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of theengineering practice

  • PO

    Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverseteams, and in multidisciplinary settings

  • PO

    Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

  • PO

    Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one‘s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manageprojects and in multidisciplinary environments

  • PO

    Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.