
Duration 2 Years

Eligibility Criteria Education- Candidates must pass the class 12th examination in any stream such as art, science, commerce, etc. Minimum Marks Required- This criterion varies from college to college. However, one must ensure to secure more than 55% in class 12th based on past year trends; renowned colleges keep this as the minimum percentage guidelines. Age Limit- There is no upper age limit. However, candidates must be minimum of 19 years old.

B.Ed is a professional course offered for those who are interested in teaching related fields. The duration of program is 2 years divided in 4 semesters. Each semester contains different papers related to education field. The course is running successfully in Shivalik College and still continues to develop skills and widen understanding to impart quality education to our society. B.Ed course is affiliated to S.D.S University. All instructional and infrastructural facilities are as per norms and the faculty is dedicated to impart quality teacher’s education.


Details of sanctioned programme along with annual intake uploaded on website.:- View Document

Details of faculty (with scale of pay, photographs and details of who left or joined in the last quarter) uploaded on website.:- View Document

Details of students uploaded on website.:- View Document

Details of available infrastructure facilities uploaded on website.:- View Document

Dees charged from students uploaded on website.:- View Document

Facilities added during the last quarter Uploaded on website.:- View Document

Dumber of books in the library, referred Journals subscribed to, and addition, if any, in the last quarter uploaded on website.:- View Document

Details of instructional facilities such as laboratory and library uploaded on website.:- View Document

Balance sheet as on the last date of the last financial year uploaded on website.:- View Document

Income and expenditure account for the last financial year uploaded on website.:- View Document

Receipt and payment account for the last financial year uploaded on website.:- View Document

Details of biometric data updated on website of the institution on weekly basis.:- View Document

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