Recognized under UGC Section (2f) of the UGC Act 1956

Code Of Ethics In Research


This Code of Ethics is aimed at prevention of malpractices and plagiarism in Research works carried out by the faculty members and students at Shivalik College of Engineering. The philosophy of this Code of Ethics are with the unique aim of guiding researchers to an ethical course of action enriched with the values and mission of SHIVALIK COLLEGES OF ENGINEERING.


The faculty members and students of  SHIVALIK COLLEGES OF ENGINEERING are committed to the pursuit of truth, honesty and integrity, to uphold the vision-mission of our institution, to safeguard and promote public interest during our research activities.


The principles mentioned below bind the faculty and students of SHIVALIK COLLEGES OF ENGINEERING to the pursue the finest measure of integrity and the highest ethical standards:


We have to act with sincerity and keep the promises and agreements consistent. We shall disseminate the methods and procedures of our research works and report data and results honestly and shall not fabricate or misrepresent data.


The objective of the research work shall be well defined and free from biasness in the design of methodology, data analysis and data interpretation. The objective of the research should have goal towards welfare of the society, community, nation and the nature.

In order to detect the plagiarism, college recommends well known freely available softwares/ tools such as “Plagiarism Checker”“Plagiarism Checker X “ etc.


Research misconduct will be dealt with very strictly by SHIVALIK COLLEGES OF ENGINEERING. Fabrication that involves manipulation of data generated by the reported research are serious forms of research misconduct. Such cases of research misconduct identified at the time of manuscript submission or even after publication will invite strict disciplinary action from the SHIVALIK COLLEGES OF ENGINEERING. Authors are required to safely store all research records including raw data for long period after publication. A committee constitutes by Director headed by Dean Research Promotion and Monitoring will have the authority to investigate and recommend action in case of suspected research misconduct.


Research misconduct or fraud in science refers to the fabrication, falsification, plagiarism and deception in proposing, carrying out or reporting results of research. Misconduct does not include honest error or honest differences in interpretation or judgment in evaluating research methods or results, or misconduct unrelated to the research process.

  • Fabrication – reporting of experiments never conducted
  • Falsification – Misrepresentation or suppression of data to project the desired result
  • Plagiarism – reporting another’s data as one’s own