Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality Technologies

Technologically, the AR systems, however various, present three common components, such as a geospatial datum for the virtual object, a visual marker, a surface to project virtual elements to the user, and adequate processing power for graphics, animation, and merging of images, like a pc and a monitor this a very complex designing course which includes bytes and bytes od data that is processed and requires a lot of focus and skills along with very deep learning and knowledge on the subject if you want to opt-in as a career

To run, an AR system must also include a camera able to track the user’s movement for merging the virtual objects, and a visual display, like glasses through that the user can see the virtual objects overlaying the physical world. To date, two-display systems exist, a video see-through (VST) and an optical see-through (OST) AR system. In Shivalik College Of Engineering, the students are taught about these technologies and they are made to inculcate new habits of focusing on bukfing up graphics and algorithms for codes and also logic building.

Augmented reality Applications

Although AR is a more recent technology than VR, it has been investigated and used in several research areas such as architecture More in detail, in education several AR applications have been developed in the last few years showing the positive effects of this technology in supporting learning, such as an increased-on content understanding and memory preservation, as well as on learning motivation developed an AR application on electromagnetism concepts learning, in which students could use AR batteries, magnets, cables on real superficies, and the system gave real-time feedback to students about the correctness of the performance, improving in this way the academic success and motivation

Deeply, the AR system allows the possibility to learn to visualize and act on composite phenomena that traditionally students study theoretically, without the possibility to see and test in the real world the students learn and perform these things but in Shivalik the students do not only get to perform but they get to experience such projects and technologies through live demonstration in high tech labs and with experienced faculties to guide them.

Indeed, in situations of fear, like the phobias of small animals, AR applications allow, in accordance with the patient’s anxiety, to gradually expose the patient to fear animals, adding new animals during the session or enlarging they’re or increasing the speed, so these technologies have medical sector applications, as well as these, are being used in the domain od medical to treat patients with different conditions.

The Future of Augmented Reality

AR is the future of design and we tend to agree. Already mobile phones are such an integral part of our lives that they might as well be extensions of our bodies, as technology can be further integrated into our lives without being intrusive (a la Google Glass) – it is a certainty that augmented reality provides opportunities to enhance user experiences beyond measure and these are a part now that help us in a lot of things on a day to day basis, even things that we are not aware of uses these types of technologies.

This will almost certainly see major advances in the much-hyped but still little-seen, Internet of Things. UX designers in the AR field will need to seriously consider the questions of how traditional experiences can be improved through AR – just making your cooker capable of using computer enhancements is not enough, it needs healthier eating or better-cooked food for users to care.

The future will belong to AR when it improves task efficiency or the quality of the output of an experience for the user. This is the key challenge of the 21st century UX profession. The technological advancements n the sector help in the making of the modern world and also help the technological development. At Shivalik, we offer all of this to our students for a better tomorrow for technocrats with roots in Shivalik.