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IQAC Initiatives at Shivalik College of Engineering

Sr. No. IQAC Initiatives Outcomes
1 Feedback & survey of the College stakeholders IQAC has transformed the manual input system of stakeholders feedback into an online system with effect from 2020-21 onwards. The College stakeholders include faculty, students, employers and alumni. The relevant suggestions by the faculty and students are incorporated to redesign the curriculum of the respective program or course.
2 Internal Academic and Administrative  Audits For the sake of changes in the current or immediate future, the Committee reviews the learning processes at the College with an Action Taken Report (ATR) on it.
3 Conduct of FDPs The IQAC is into regular conduct of faculty development programs to enhance quality in different areas. A regular conduct of the above is with promising outcomes in teaching and learning practices and it is recommended that faculties at HEIs should regularly engage in FDP training activities.
4 Organizing Conferences/Seminars/Workshops Trainings and Webinar etc. The IQAC is into regular conduct of organized Seminars and Workshop Training programs. This interface is a prerequisite for students to be exposed internationally and to lay the foundation for a successful professional career.
5 Bridge/Remedial classes Bridge courses are intended for students who do not have the basic background and remedial classes are intended for slow learners to assist them to achieve competencies in core academic subjects through the graduation programme.
6 PDP classes PDP classes were initiated in the departments within the academic hours of the College on the recommendation of IQAC. This imbibes the students with sense of self awareness, improved focus and effectiveness, self confidence, more motivation and greater resilience to fulfilling commitments in life.
7 Introduction of Value-added Courses  These imbibe the students to expectations of industry and bridge the skill gaps and make students industry ready for employability.
8 Initiation to OBE As a prerequisite for quality control and growth, the IQAC introduced an outcome-based education framework for POs/PSOs and COs.


9 Outcome based education (OBE) in teaching-learning based on Bloom’s taxonomy The IQAC accentuated on teaching inputs and methodologies by coordinating the departments to have teaching plans with an objective to enhance the teaching learning process. Different value added courses have also been offered by the departments for student skill enhancement. It has emphasized the student-centric learning and offers a clear understanding of the accomplishments at the end of the course.
10 Teaching innovations ICT facilities have been implemented which assist in the preparation of e-content on LMS based on ERP. The entire course material is uploaded into this interface to teach at scheduled lectures. The faculty has the option of updating the portion of lecture plan covered in that specific class with a choice to remain full or partial.
11 Creation of Institutional Repository On the recommendation of IQAC, It has established an Institutional Repository (IR) to handle the publication of faculty and academic scholars for the effective use of information sharing.
12 Green practices including Green and Energy Audits The Green and Energy Audits for Earth’s sustainability and adoption of renewable energy sources were planned and organized.
13 Digitization of Library Practices Digitization of previous year question papers, syllabus and article clippings has been introduced.
14 Research Policy On the recommendation of IQAC, faculty members engaged in research and publication work are rewarded by the provision of an honorarium to motivate them to continue their research contributions. In order to inspire faculty members to generate high-quality research papers indexed in the UGC CARE List, the acknowledged faculties are commended with an honorarium.
15 Ethics and Academic Integrity Academic integrity facilitates the implementation of educational principles through anti plagiarism software (TURNITIN) and research ethics.