
To establish the guidelines to ensure smooth conduction of the examination of the students pursuing degree and diploma courses in college. 


The scope of examination committee covers:

  • Conduct of examination (sessional and university semester examinations consisting of theory papers, practical and viva-voce)
  • Examination Cell 
  • Roles and Responsibilities 
  •  Conduct of Faculty and support staff deployed on examination duty 
  •  Leave during examinations 
  • Unfair Means Committee 
  • Emergent store requirement for examination by departments.

Examinations Grievances

The examination related grievances of the students such as late application form filing, non-receipt of admit card of examinations or wrong entries in the admit card, out of syllabus questions in examinations and errors in university examination question papers are communicated to University Examination cell with the assistance of the examination cell of the institution.

Grievances associated with the internal examination, assessments are handled by the examination section of the institute whereas grievances related to the external assessment are forwarded to the Sri Dev Suman Vishwavidyalaya Tehri Garhwal. Institute follows the guidelines laid down by Sri Dev Suman Vishwavidyalaya Tehri Garhwal. Any grievances related to the exam are sent to the university liaison officer who deals with the institute. The grievance is registered in logbook maintained at the university.

Students can request for photocopy of the answer scripts. The photocopy of answer script shall be mailed to the student by university. After going through answer papers student can apply for revaluation. The institution ensures that examination related grievances are sorted out in a proper manner by coordinating with university. Students also have right to challenge the evaluation of answer sheet.

Procedure for Submission of Application for Supply of Photocopy of Assessed Answer Sheets:

  1. The student who has grievances fills the Application form and signs it.
  2. The candidate shall submit their application forms along with the requisite fees to the Registrar of the institution who forwards the same to concerned person in the University.

Evaluation of Semester End Theory Exam answer sheets is conducted by the university as per marking scheme conveyed to the students. Subsequently, university informs the institution and students the results of the examinations. The results are displayed on the notice board of the institution and on the university website.

The code of the conduct of examination is displayed at examination cell, student hand book and on the institute and University website. The same is displayed on the notice board for the students.

The schedule of the internal examination is prepared by the Examination Committee for the notification of the students and communicated to the students in advance. However, external examinations are scheduled by the University and notified for the information through institutes and on web site.

Internal Examination answer sheets are shown to the students after the assessment by the concerned subject teachers for further clarification of the students. Internal examination marks of various subjects are filled and submitted through Online Portal of the University by the institute Login Id and on ERP system by the concerned faculty, for the benefit of students.

If in case any of the students are not satisfied with the marks which are given by the examiner they can also apply for rechecking and revaluation or moderation.

Students can put their examination related queries through the suggestion/complain boxes kept in the institute exam cell.


External Examinations



Internal Examinations



Examination Committee

The committee focuses on conducting the examinations and making policy decisions in regard to organizing and holding examinations, improving the system of examinations, appointing the paper setters, examiners, moderators and also prepare the schedule of dates of holding examinations and declaration of the results. The committee shall also oversee and regulate the conduct of examinations in the institution. It deals with all the matters in relation to examinations and shall hear the complaints received pertaining to any matter arising out of conduct of examinations and decide the course of action. 

 The Examination Committee of Shivalik College Engineering constitutes following members:

S.No Name Designation Responsibility
01 Dr. U.C. Gupta COE/Centre Superintendent Chairman
02 Mr. Anurag Nagar Assistant Centre Superintendent Member
03 Dr. Susheel Kumar Assistant Centre Superintendent Member
04 Mr. Rajendra Gusain Lab Technician Member

Exam Manual