Recognized under UGC Section (2f) of the UGC Act 1956

B.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering-PO/PSO


  • Course Outcomes (COs): It gives the resultant knowledge and skills the student acquiresat the end of each course. It defines the cognitive processes a course provides.
CO Sl. 


COURSE OUTCOMES  Mapping of course 

outcome with PO and PSO

PROGRAM – Electronics & Communication Engineering
BECT 302 Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation
BECT  302 CO1- Define the suitable method for measurement of different  electronics component and the error associated with them

CO2- Understand the principal operation of different types of meter  determine the value unknown parameter with the help of ac and dc  bridges.

CO3- Understand the working of the various A/D and D/A convertors  and display devices

CO4- Utilization of CRO in the testing of the circuit

CO5- To analyze the key element of signal generator and analyzer

CO6- Toanalyze the key element of various type recorder and  EEG,EMG,ECG

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, P05, PO6, P07, PO9, P010, PO11, PO12, PSO1, PSO2


BECT 303 Digital Electronics
BECT  303 CO1- Understand various number systems and logic functions and their  application in digital design.

CO2- Illustrate various combinational logic circuits

CO3- Design various synchronous sequential logic circuits

CO4- Compare different types of logic families which are the base of  different types of logic gates in the domain of economy, performance and  efficiency.

CO5- Determine fault detection techniques for digital logic circuits

CO6- Classify different semiconductor memories

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, P05 PO6,PO9, P010, PO11, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 304 Electronic Devices
BECT  304  CO1-Understand the semiconductors, types, carrier concentration,  Thermistor, Hall effect and also to understand the concept of PN junction, I-V Characteristics

CO2- Demonstrate the operating principle and output characteristics of  pn junction diodes, zenor diode, Varactor diode, BJT, rectifiers and  different diode circuits

CO3- Apply different parameters for characterizing different circuits like  rectifiers, regulators etc. using diodes

CO4- Apply different Biasing methods of BJTs their characteristics and  application

CO5- Analyze the characteristics of the FET devices and their  application.

CO6- Analyze the Biasing method of FET for amplifier applications

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, P05 PO6, PO7, P08, PO9, P010 PO11,PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BEET 305 Network analysis & synthesis
CO1- Apply the knowledge of basic circuital law and simplify the  network using reduction techniques

CO2- Analyze the circuit using Kirchhoff’s law and Network  simplification theorems

CO3- Infer and evaluate transient response, Steady state response,  network functions

CO4- Obtain the maximum power transfer to the load , and Analyze  the series resonant and parallel resonant circuit

CO5- Evaluate two-port network parameters , design attenuators and  equalizers

CO6- Synthesize one port network using Foster and Cauer Forms.

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, P05, PO6, P07, PO9, P010, PO11, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 402 Signal & System
BECT  402 CO1- Describe continuous and discrete time signals, their properties  mathematically and operations on dependent as well as independent  variables.

CO2- Describe continuous and discrete time systems, their properties  mathematically and properties of LTI systems.

CO3- Able to understand the Fourier Analysis for both Continuous and  Discrete time signals and systems

CO4- Able to understand the Laplace and Z-transform for Continuous  and Discrete time signals and systems respectively.

CO5- Apply the concept of sampling to convert continuous time signal  to discrete time signals.

CO6- Able to analyze the systems performance using the concepts of  various transforms

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 403 Analog Communication
BECT  403 CO1- Illustrate the understanding of signals, types of signals and  building blocks of communication systems.

CO2- Compare different amplitude modulation schemes for their  efficiency, bandwidth and power saving.

CO3- Demonstrate various angle modulation schemes and their  applications

CO4- Illustrate pulsed modulation system and analyze their system  performance.

CO5- Explain various multiplexing techniques, line coding techniques  and TDM hierarchy

CO6- Analyze the behavior of communication systems in the presence  of noise.

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO5, PO10, PSO1, PSO2
BEET 404 Control System
CO1- Understand different types of system and identify a set of  algebraic equations to represent and model a complicated system into a  more simplified form.

CO2- Obtain models of dynamic systems in transfer function and state  space forms

CO3- Improve the system performance by selecting a suitable  controller and/or a compensator for a specific application

CO4- Apply and analyze the various control strategies to different  applications for the problems faced by society.

CO5- Test system Controllability and Observability using state space  representation and applications of state space representation to various  systems.

CO6- Evaluate the system response and stability in both time-domain  and frequency domain.

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, P05 PO6, P07, PO9, P010, PO11, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 405 Analog Circuits
BECT  405 CO1- Describe the characteristics of diodes and transistors, current  mirror circuit.

CO2- Illustrate various amplifier circuits

CO3- Apply the functioning of OP-AMP and design OP-AMP based  circuits

CO4- Analysis and design competence on Opamp RC filters also  Design low pass, high pass, band pass and band elimination filter  networks

CO5- Evaluate the functioning of Generation of square and triangular  waveform using OPAMP based a stable multi vibrator

CO6- Evaluate the functioning of Generation of square and triangular  waveform using IC 555 timer based a stable multi vibrator

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, P05, PO6, P07, PO8, PO9, P010 PO11, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BHUT 401 Universal Human Value-2
BHUT  401 CO1- Understand Human values, need and concept in individual’s life

CO2-Analyze the concept of co-existence and evaluate the program to  ensure self-regulation

CO3- Understand and identify holistic perception of harmony at all  levels such as self , family , society and nature

CO4- Reshape the concept about different values and discriminate  them

CO5- Apply professional ethics in future profession and contribute  towards building a value based society

CO6- Incorporate self-exploration and its application for self evaluation and development.

PO1, PO3, PO4, P05, PO6, P07, PO8, PO9, P010, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 501 Microprocessor & Interfacing
BECT  501 CO1- Enumerate the Operations of microprocessor, controllers and  peripherals.

CO2- Apply knowledge of an advanced element of learning in the field  of Microprocessors.

CO3- Analyze the processor and controller with peripherals.

CO4- Outline the design of Microprocessor based time systems.

CO5-llustratethe assembly language programming of processor

CO6-Evaluate real time constraints while programming &hardware  designing and provide solution to them.

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 502 Electromagnetic Theory
BECT  502 CO1- REMEMBER the basics of vectors and vector calculus.

CO2-UNDERSTANDthe various coordinate systems and the concept of  gradient, divergence and curl.

CO3-UNDERSTANDbasic principles of electrostatics and magneto  statics and use them to find Maxwell’s equations.

CO4-APPLY the principles of dynamic field to find the modification in  Maxwell’s equations.

CO5-APPLY the Maxwell’s equation in obtaining the wave equations  and solve plane wave propagation in various conditions

CO6- ANALYZE the transmission line equation and apply it in various  possible conditions

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, P05, PO6, P07, PO8, PO9, P010, PO11, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 503 VLSI Technology and Design
BECT  503 CO1- The basics of analog electronics devices and digital electronics  devices.

CO2- Understand the different fabrication steps for the crystal growth.

CO3- Solve the various parameters explaining the electrical & device  modeling parameters.

CO4- Illustrate the working of PMOS, NMOS and CMOS, their electrical  properties and design gates with them.

CO5- Solve the parameters like power dissipation, timing issues etc for  the combinational, sequential circuits and memories.

CO6- Analyze the various ASIC’s circuits like PLA’s, CPLD’s, FPGA’s  and their design and testing tools.

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5 PO9, PO11, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 504 (B) Data Communication and Networks
BECT 504  (B) CO1- Understand and describe about the working of Computer  Networks

CO2- Illustrate reference models with layers, protocols and  interfaces

CO3- Model the LAN and WAN configuration using different  media.

CO4-Examine problems of a computer networks.

CO5- Test networks to verify connectivity and operational status CO6- Design safe and secure computer networks

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BOEC 505 (B) Computer system Organization
BOEC 505  (B) CO1- Understand the functional units of processor and the factors  affecting the performance of a computer.

CO2-Analyze the effect of addressing modes on the execution time  of a program.

CO3- Understand the computer arithmetic and design algorithms  for various operations.

CO4- Implement the basic knowledge of I/O devices and  interfacing of I/O devices with computer.

CO5- Analyze the CPU design including the RISC/CISC  architectures.

CO6- Apply pipeline and Vector processing in designing Different  Structure of computer communication.

PO1, PO2, PO3,PO4, PO6, PO7,PO10, PO11, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 601 Digital signal Processing
BECT 601  CO1- Remember the concept of Discrete time signals and systems  along with the Z-transform basics.

CO2- Understand the concepts of Discrete Fourier Transform.

CO3- Understand the concepts of FFT algorithms for efficient  computation of DFT.

CO4- Apply the concepts of system analysis and realization to  make : design IIR Filters

CO5- Apply the concepts of system analysis and realization to  make : design FIR Filters

CO6- Remember the concept of Discrete time signals and systems  along with the Z-transform basics.

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 602 Antenna and Wave Propagation
BECT 602 CO1- Define various antenna parameters

CO2- Illustrate techniques for antenna parameter measurements.

CO3- Analyze radiation patterns of antennas

CO4- Apply various applications of antennas

CO5- R apply the concept of radio wave propagation

CO6- Evaluate antennas for given specifications

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO8, PO9,PO10, PO11, PO12  PSO1, PSO2
BECT 603 Digital Communication
BECT 603  CO1- Remember the basics of Communication processes  emphasizing on baseband signal modeling

CO2- Illustrate the typical source coding techniques and calculate  Entropy of source.

CO3- Understand the generation, detection signal space diagram,  spectrum, bandwidth efficiency, and probability of error analysis of  different band pass modulation techniques.

CO4- Determine the performance of different error control coding

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PSO1, PSO2
schemes for the reliable transmission over the channel

CO5- Illustrate various spreading techniques and determine bit error  performance of various digital communication systems.

CO6- Analyze the design of matched filter receiver for optimum  performance

BECT 604 (B) CMOS Design
BECT 604  (B) CO1-Describe the VLSI design flow, basic theory of MOS  transistors, basic steps of fabrication of NMOS & CMOS Process.

CO2-Illustrate Characterizing equation of synchronous sequential  machine and Mealy and Moore model machines state table and  transition diagram

CO3-Apply the functioning of CMOS in Logic and Combinational  circuits.

CO4-Analysis and Design of the asynchronous sequential machine,  analyze the performance of CMOS Inverter circuits on the basis of  their operation and working.

CO5-Evaluate strategies for testing of MOS and BJT Models.

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PSO1, PSO2
BOEC 605 (D) IoT and Applications

605 (D)

CO1-Describe the definition and significance of IoT

CO2-Illustrate Characteristics of IoT and communication models

CO3-Apply the functioning of Iot in Network & Communication.

CO4-Analysis the various challenges in IoT.

CO5-Evaluate IoTs utilization in different applications of IoT  technologies in practical domains of society

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO10, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 701 Microwave Engineering


CO1- REMEMBER the basics of vectors and vector calculus.

CO2- UNDERSTAND the various coordinate systems and the  concept of gradient, divergence and curl.

CO3- UNDERSTAND basic principles of electrostatics and  magneto statics and use them to find Maxwell’s equations.

CO4- APPLIES the principles of dynamic field to find the  modification in Maxwell’s equations.

CO5- APPLY the Maxwell’s equation in obtaining the wave  equations and solve plane wave propagation in various conditions

CO6- ANALYZE the transmission line equation and apply it in  various possible conditions.

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5,PO6,PO7, PO8, PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 702 Optical Fiber Communication


CO1- Recognize and classify the structures of Optical fiber and  types

CO2- Classify the Optical sources and detectors and to discuss  their principle.

CO3- Discuss the channel impairments like losses and dispersion.

CO4- Analyze various coupling losses

CO5- Familiar with Design considerations of fiber optic systems

CO6- To perform characteristics of optical fiber, sources and  detectors.

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO9, PO10, PO11, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 703 (B) Digital Image Processing

703 (B

CO1-REMEMBER the basics of visual perception and color  models, image formation, sampling quantization.

CO2-UNDERSTAND the steps involved in digital image  processing systems.

CO3-UNDERSTAND the various domains for image processing  and make necessary noise models.

CO4-APPLY the steps like enhancement on the images.

CO5-APPLY segmentation on the images Using Morphological  Watersheds. Representation

CO6-ANALYZE the complex video processing techniques like  MPEG4 nad H.26X

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO10, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
BOEC 704 (B) Artificial Intelligence

704 (B

CO1- Demonstrate fundamental understanding of the history of  artificial intelligence (AI) and its foundations

CO2- Apply basic principles of AI in solutions that require  problem solving, inference, perception, knowledge representation,  and learning.

CO3- Demonstrate awareness and a fundamental understanding of  various applications of AI techniques in intelligent agents, expert  systems, artificial neural networks and other machine learning  models

CO4- Demonstrate proficiency developing applications in an ‘AI  language’, expert system shell, or data mining too

CO5- Demonstrate proficiency in applying scientific method to  models of machine learning.

CO6- Able to understand and develop expert systems for any real  time application

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO11, PSO1, PSO2
BECT 801 Television and Radar Engineering


CO1- Define various television basic principle, standards and  television Pick-up devices and Cameras.

CO2- Illustrate techniques for Television transmission and  reception.

CO3- Illustrate various Digital Television Technology

CO4- Apply performance factors

CO5- Apply the concept of Radar receiver

CO6- Apply the concept of Radar Receiver in Other Radar  systems

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, PO6,PO7, PO8,PO9,PO10, PO11,PO12 PSO1, PSO2
BECT 802 Wireless Communication


CO1- Relation with the basics of communication learned in  different engineering subjects.

CO2- Compare the fundamentals learnt in previous  communication subject with the wireless propagation mechanisms  and channel classification learned here

CO3- Apply the learnt mechanisms and previous knowledge in  demonstrating the various modulation techniques in selecting the  wireless communication transceivers.

CO4- Analyze the different diversity techniques and illustrate  them in different signal processing units of wireless  communication systems problems

CO5- Classify the basics of Channel coding schemes and speech  coding technique and examine them for wireless communication  systems

CO6- Formulate the different advance level multiple access  schemes and application of different multiplexing schemes in  advance transceiver schemes and its applications.

PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4,PO5,PO7, PO12, PSO1, PSO2
EC 803 (A) Digital System Design using VHDL
EC 803  


CO1-Describe the model, simulate, verify, and synthesize with  hardware description languages.

CO2-Illustrate the concept of state machine SM charts using  microprogramming.

CO3-Apply the VHDL in PLDs and Field Programmable Logic  Arrays (FPGAs).

CO4-Analysis of the combinational logic circuit using VHDL  code.

CO5-Evaluate the functioning of the Digital system using VHDL  code.

PO1,PO2,PO3,PO4,PO5,PO6,PO11, PSO1, PSO2
BOEC 804 (B) Machine Learning

804 (B)

CO1- Learn the basics of learning problems with hypothesis and  version spaces

CO2- Understand the features of machine learning to apply on  real world problems

CO3- Characterize the machine learning algorithms as supervised  learning and unsupervised learning and Apply and analyze the  various algorithms of supervised and unsupervised learning

CO4- Design and apply various reinforcement algorithms to solve  real time complex problems.

CO5- Demonstrate proficiency in applying scientific method to  models of machine learning.

CO6- Understand the basic concepts of deep neural network  model and design the same.

PO1,PO2,PO3, PO4,PO5,PO9, PO10,PSO1, PSO2